Past Events › Healthcare IT
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Health Datapalooza – 2018
The gathering place for people and organizations creating knowledge from data and pioneering innovations that drive health policy and practice. Health Datapalooza sits at the nexus of ideas, evidence, and execution. Where Federal policymakers and regulatory leads take their seats beside Silicon Valley startups and the health system’s chief information officers. More than a meeting, Health Datapalooza is a diverse community of big thinkers and roll-up-our-sleeves-and-get-it-done problem solvers who share a mission to liberate and use data to improve health…
Find out more »Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Conference – Spring 2018
Join us at our 2018 Spring Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Conference and experience the following: Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Executives from America’s most prestigious hospitals and health systems Industry-leading educational sessions 2 Reverse EXPO sessions 3:1 Supplier to Provider ratio guarantee Cost-effective, one-on-one interaction Unmatched ROI Visibility – Branding – Exposure Conference Highlights: You can meet with Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Executives participating in our very unique Reverse EXPO sessions. You get real decision makers at our conference. We bring…
Find out more »Health IT Summit Series – Minneapolis
Renowned leaders in U.S. and North American healthcare gather throughout the year to present important information and share insights at the Healthcare Informatics Health IT Summits. New for 2018 - the Health IT Summits will feature a full day of value-based care educational sessions. The Value-Based Care Forum, built into the Health IT Summit Series, will bring together leading executives from provider and payer organizations to discuss the latest trends and challenges around managing risk, navigating the payer/provider relationship, and…
Find out more »Oracle Health Industry User Group – Interact 2018
The HIUG Interact Conference is an annual user-driven conference of Oracle application Healthcare users. The conference comprises 600+ attendees, 45+ vendors, and 175+ educational sessions/clinics. Click here to find out more information. All employees of Healthcare Institutions, with licensed Oracle/PeopleSoft Enterprise application products. In addition, employees of vendors accepted by the conference as exhibitors may attend. No other registrations will be accepted. Our annual event, Interact, continues to get better every year. The HIUG board is committed to fostering education, discussions about solutions…
Find out more »Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Conference – Fall 2018
Join us at our 2018 Fall Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Conference and experience the following: Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Executives from America’s most prestigious hospitals and health systems Industry-leading educational sessions 2 Reverse EXPO sessions 3:1 Supplier to Provider ratio guarantee Cost-effective, one-on-one interaction Unmatched ROI Visibility – Branding – Exposure Conference Highlights: You can meet with Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Executives participating in our very unique Reverse EXPO sessions. You get real decision makers at our conference. We bring…
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