Symphony's Applied Clinical Analytics - A Proven Data First Approach

Applied Clinical Analytics – A Proven Data First Approach

Find Value in Your Clinical Data


There are likely significant problems with your data
Your healthcare enterprise may have the tools and data you need, but it’s likely that your data lake is more like a data swamp. Data mart proliferation from systems like EHR, ERP, population health platforms, BI and others can leave you with an inflexible model that serves neither your clinical nor IT needs.With the goal of including more precise clinical information on patient charts, Jeff and his team needed timely and accurate information. However, with the existing tools and personnel, obtaining such information just wasn’t possible.

The Population Health Objective
While not all clinical analytics products are created equal, many can be used to address the population health management life-cycle.

However, many healthcare enterprises are finding it’s not easy to switch to a new workflow. It requires changes in technology, processes, and organizational culture.



Clinical Accuracy
Apply a data first approach. Which is the start to meaningful analytics.

Scalable Data Modeling
Reuse existing data, decrease total development time, promote ease of use, deliver performance and facilitate drill-downs and interactive visualizations.

Bridge Clinical and IT Teams
While not all clinical analytics products are created equal, many can be used to address the population health management life-cycle.


Smart Data Not Big Data
More data is not always better in clinical analysis. Smart data and not big data is what carries the day.

Free Assessments
We provide free assessments, and then get paid only on delivery of proposed solutions.

Vendor Agnostic
No new FTE’s or software solutions are required. Our focus is on using existing tools and data.

Shared Risk
We work with health systems in a shared risk model that mirrors the emerging accountable care model.

Applied Clinical Analytics - A Data First Approach